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The House System (STAR) is divided into four groups names are :

 S             -          SANSKAR GROUP   (ORANGE COLOR)

                                        T            -            TIGER  GROUP   (GREEN COLOR)

                                                            A            -            ARJUN   GROUP  ( YELLOW COLOR)

                                                            R             -             ROSE    GROUP ( RED COLOR)

Sanskar House : Sanskar’ purifies feelings, thoughts and actions/deeds and adds momentum of life. Sanskar purifies inner consciousness of the person and makes life meaningful.

Color : Orange




Tiger House : Like tiger we have powerful in life. We should be very clear for our target of life just like  tiger. We should also have self-confidence and elegance like tiger. 

Color : Green



Arjun House:  As Arjun was one of the major heroes of the Indian epic Mahabharata , we should be hero ourselves of our life like Arjun. We should be also strong, skillful, and ready for actions , brilliance , fighting with right motive and have patience in life like Arjun.

Color : Yellow


Rose House:  As rose is symbol of love, soft ,smoothness. We should also have softness , smotthness and have love to all the people and animals on the earth just like rose. We should also spread fragrance like rose all over the world.

Color : Red

Each house has its house captain and perfect who helps in maintaining the discipline, inter-house competitions in curricular and co-curricular activities organized on Saturday activities like Handwriting, Recitation, Debates, Dance & Mono Acting etc. In service and orientation courses for teachers the school has well qualified teachers, many workshops and seminars are arranged to keep their knowledge up to date.