“The believe that becomes truth for me…. is that which allows me the best use of my strength, the best means of putting my virtues into action”
People so often develop limiting beliefs about who they are and what they are capable of . Because they have not succeeded in the past, they believe they would not be able to succeed in the future, As a result out of their fear of pain they begin to constantly focus on being “ realistic “. Most people who constantly say,” let us be realistic”, are really just living in fear, deathly afraid of being disappointed again. Out of that fear they develop beliefs that cause them to hesitate, to not give their all consequently and get limited results.
Great leaders are rarely ” realistic” .They are intelligent and they are accurate , but they are not realistic by other people’s standards. What is realistic for one person , though , is totally different from what is realistic for another person , based upon their references . Gandhi believed he could gain autonomy for India without violently opposing Great Britiain …….something that had never been done before. He was not being realistic , but he certainly proved to be accurate. By the same token , it certainly was not realistic for a man to believe he could give the world happiness by building a theme park in the middle of an orange grove and charging people not only for the rides, but even to get in ! At the time , there was no such park in the world. Yet Walt Disney had a sense of certainty like few people who have ever lived, and his optimism transformed his circumstances.
Mr. Suraj Mal Tanwar |